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Hemileuca peigleri - Hodges#7744.3 - Hemileuca peigleri - female

Hemileuca peigleri - Hodges#7744.3 - Hemileuca peigleri - Female
1.3 miles NW of Camp Wood, Edwards County, Texas, USA
April 20, 2019
This beautiful female finally emerged early in the morning of November 3, 2019. I watched as she struggled to open her wings and drag around her HUGE abdomen. I could not watch, so I left, thinking she was permanently damaged.

I came back later to see this gorgeous creature. I think she WAS having more trouble than was normal because of the indention evident on her costa.

I am so happy to have seen a live specimen of this gorgeous creature. Since they fly only in deep woods during the day, few people have the pleasure. The females are really quite different.

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Hemileuca peigleri - Hodges#7744.3 - Hemileuca peigleri Hemileuca peigleri - Hodges#7744.3 - Hemileuca peigleri - female