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Loxostege oberthuralis

Loxostege oberthuralis
White Mountains, Inyo County, California, USA
September 19, 2018
Size: FW 11.5 mm (measured)
Attracted to UV light in pinyon-juniper woodland at 7200 ft. To my knowledge, this is the first image of a living adult. I have a blurry image in lateral view which shows the general pattern better but is of poor quality; also an additional image adjacent to mm rule. Needs a species page. A mounted specimen is seen here.

or Loxostege egregialis?
Going by range, Loxostege oberthuralis should seem more likely. However, Munroe identified a similar specimen, BOLD sample CCDB-28968-F12 (USNM ENT 01203683), as egregialis. Oberthuralis is separated from egregialis by its ash color and bolder dark streaks. This looks yellowish with weak dark streaks.

The two species are not separated by DNA barcode from what I can tell. Both are in the same BIN and are randomly distributed in the tree for that BIN. Was this dissected?

Because of the location, I'm fine with oberthuralis but you might want to check into it further if you haven't already addressed my comments.

Geographic replacements
By all the info in Munroe and on BOLD, Loxostege oberthuralis and L. egregialis appear to be geographic replacements, with the former ranging from southern California to "southern Arizona" and the latter from southeast Arizona to west Texas. Until/unless egregialis is documented further west, I'm very comfortable with the present placement.

I added the image. Thanks!

Moved from Loxostege.

Thanks for the new page.
Thanks, Aaron.

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