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Tecopa J15 - Tachys corax

Tecopa J15 - Tachys corax
Tecopa Hot Springs, Inyo County, California, USA
June 29, 2019
Size: 2.5 mm
At U.V. light near salt marsh.

Images of this individual: tag all
Tecopa J15 - Tachys corax Tecopa J15 - Tachys corax Tecopa J15 - Tachys corax Tecopa J15 - Tachys corax

Tachys corax LeConte
is reasonable based on my comment below. This is a species new to BugGuide.

I examined 11 examples of Tachys corax LeConte
from the same collection event that Jerry mailed to me. Included were three slightly smaller specimens that are in the Tachys mordax group. I believe the image posted here best fits T. corax. Thank you Jerry! Did I update you on my other determinations from your Tecopa Hot Springs batch? Sorry if it slipped my mind.

I'm hoping Tecopa-0J16 is also one from the batch I sent you, so that I can match it up.

I did not see any identifier codes
associated with the specimens you sent me. So it would be guesswork on my part as to which specimen (all very similar) matches your image. However, this one is a lighter teneral adult while the one you mentioned above is the fully mature dark phase.

no identifiers
No, I couldn't think of a way to code the assortment I sent you. I was having trouble under the 'scope figuring out which were the same and which were different. My hope is that from seeing the actual specimens, the ones I'm posting will "ring a bell." I think I've posted almost all of what I think are different ones from the Tecopa Hot Springs location. And, I thank you sincerely for the effort you've put in on them. The Bureau of Land Management contact my friend and I have has communicated his appreciation of our little survey of the salt marsh location he had suggested to us. In the future, I will photograph any that I have permission to send you. There's much to learn . . . .

Tachys specimens
You did, Peter, and many thanks. Since I didn't photograph those I sent you, I'm matching them up through these Bugguide postings, as you and some others have provided ID's.

Moved from Ground Beetles.

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