Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Macaria truncataria (Walker, 1862)
Fidonia truncataria Walker, 1862
Explanation of Names
Macaria truncataria (Walker, 1862), was formerly in the genus
Epelis, new generic synonymy in Sihvonen & Skou (2015)
Epelis truncataria is the only member of the genus in America north of Mexico.
The bold black and orange bands across the forewing and hindwing are unique.
The original description as Fidonia truncataria Walker, is available online in the print references below.
Dark form:
a northern species ranging from Alaska to Newfoundland, south in the east to Connecticut, and south in the west to Colorado
open coniferous woods and northern peat bogs
Adults are most common from April to August based on Moth Photographers Group records.
larvae feed on Bearberry and Leather-leaf.
(2)Life Cycle
eggs laid in summer on underside of leaf of hostplant, hatching in one or two weeks; larvae feed for about 40 days before pupating for the winter
Adults fly during the day and are not known to be active at night.
Generally uncommon and local in the southern parts of its range; common and widespread across the boreal forests of Canada and Alaska.
The genus Epelis was included in Macaria in 1999 by Parsons et al in Malcolm Scoble's catalog.
Print References
Walker, 1862. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. 24 :
Internet References
pinned adult image plus description, distribution, biology, and common name reference [Black-banded Orange] (G.G. Anweiler, U. of Alberta)
distribution in Canada includes every province and territory (CBIF)