Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Cerastis fishii (Grote
(1), 1878)
Metalepsis fishii (Grote, 1878)
Agrotis fishii Grote, 1878
placed in genus Cerastis in 1997 by Crabo and Lafontaine (see Print Reference below)
forewing length 15-18 mm; wingspan about 30-36 mm
Adult: forewing reddish-brown with dark AM and PM lines, and pale subterminal line; reniform and orbicular spots contain contrasting black-and-white markings; prominent black subapical spot along costa just inside subterminal line; terminal line a series of black dashes; fringe orangish; hindwing pale gray basally, shading to darker gray distally, with faint discal spot and pale pinkish fringe; head and thorax slightly darker than forewing; antennae pectinate in male, filiform in female
Newfoundland to Georgia, west to Kansas, Minnesota, and Ontario
adults fly from March to late May or early June
larvae feed on flowers and leaves of blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)
See Also
Reddish Speckled Dart (
Cerastis tenebrifera) forewing lacks black subapical patch, and has less contrasting markings in its reniform and orbicular spots (
compare images of both species at CBIF)
Print References
Crabo, L. & J.D. Lafontaine, 1997. A revision of the
Cerastis cornuta group of the geunus
Cerastis subgenus
Metalepsis (Noctuidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society. 51(3): 237-245.
Lafontaine, J.D., 1998.
The Moths of America North of Mexico, Fascicle 27.3. The Wedge Entomological Research Foundation, p. 42; pl. 1, figs. 19-20.
(3)Internet References
pinned adult image (James Adams, Dalton State College, Georgia)
distribution in Canada list of provinces (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)