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Species Cameraria hamadryadella - Solitary Oak Leafminer - Hodges#0823

Solitary Oak Leafminer  - Cameraria hamadryadella Mine on Quercus macrocarpa on OSU campus - Cameraria? - Cameraria hamadryadella Lake Crabtree leaf miner on Quercus alba D1028 Cameraria 2018 1 - Cameraria hamadryadella Lake Crabtree leaf miner on Quercus alba D1028 Cameraria 2018 3 - Cameraria hamadryadella Solitary Oak Leafminer - Cameraria hamadryadella Cameraria hamadryadella? - Cameraria hamadryadella Lake Crabtree leaf miner on Quercus stellata D2253 2020 2.1 - Cameraria hamadryadella C. hamadryadella ex Quercus alba - Cameraria hamadryadella
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Gracillarioidea (Ribbed Cocoon-maker and Leaf Blotch Miner Moths)
Family Gracillariidae (Leaf Blotch Miner Moths)
Subfamily Lithocolletinae
Genus Cameraria
Species hamadryadella (Solitary Oak Leafminer - Hodges#0823)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Cameraria hamadryadella (Clemens, 1859)
Lithocolletis hamadryadella Clemens, 1859
* phylogenetic sequence #023600
Larva to 5 mm. (1)
Larva - early instars are flat and tapered to the rear. Later instars are cylindrical and orange-brown. See photo at Moth Photographers Group. (1), (2)
Throughout the eastern United States and southeastern Canada. (1)
Larva feed on various oaks, especially white oak (Quercus alba) and less often red oaks, in blotch mines in the upperside of the leaf. (1)
Life Cycle
Eggs laid singly on upper leaf surface. Overwinters as diapausing larva in the mine on fallen leaf (Conner & Beck, 1993). (1)
Print References
Connor, E.F. 1991. Colonization, survival, and causes of mortality of Camerariu hamadryadella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on four species of host plants. Ecological Entomology 16(3): 315–322 (abstract)
Conner, E.F. & M.W. Beck 1993. Density-related mortality in Cameraria hamadryadella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) at epidemic and endemic densities. OIKOS 66: 515-525 (PDF)
Drooz, A.T. (editor) 1985. Insects of Eastern Forests. USDA Miscellaneous Publication 1426: 129, f.42 (1)
Works Cited
1.Insects of Eastern Forests
Arnold T. Drooz, (editors). 1985. USDA Forest Service Misc. Publication 1426.
2.North American Moth Photographers Group