Other Common Names
called Highfliers in Europe
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Hydriomena Hübner, [1825]
Karacidaria Matsumura, 1925
Rhodomena Warren, 1904
56 species in North America (
23 species in Canada (
forewing varies from light to dark, crossed by several wavy lines and bands of color (this applies to several genera of geometrids)
hindwing usually pale and unmarked
throughout North America, including the arctic
also occurs in Eurasia
adults in spring and summer
larvae feed on a variety of coniferous trees plus alder, hawthorn, and willow (certain species may have a single or preferred host plant)
Life Cycle
a number of species overwinter as a larva
Species in this genus are difficult to identify by sight, as there are a number of similar species and their color/pattern varies among individuals.
See here:
See Also
Variable Carpet Moth - Anticlea vasiliata
Dysstroma colvillei
Ersephila grandipennis
Ersephila indistincta
Hymenodria mediodentata
In tribe Lobophorini some of the genus Cladara can look similar:
Mottled Gray Carpet Moth - Cladara limitaria
Internet References
pinned adult images of all species occurring in Canada (CBIF)
live adult image of
H. furcata (Jeremy Tatum, Butterflies and Moths of Southern Vancouver Island)
live larva images of
H. speciosata (Canadian Forest Service)
technical description (British Insects: Geometridae)