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Hemiptera. Aphididae. - Rhopalosiphum

Hemiptera. Aphididae. - Rhopalosiphum
Québec, boisé de l'Université Laval, Quebec, Canada
June 1, 2020
On Prunus virginiana.

Moved from Aphids.

Maybe Bird-Cherry Oat Aphid
Not many aphids feed on that species of Prunus, and these are Rhopalosiphum. Rhopalosipum padi is the Bird-Cherry Oat Aphid.

They have some different morphs throughout the growing season, some are shiny and green, some are waxy, some are reddish, and they usually have orange spots around the siphunculi. These are a little lighter than pictures of other specimens, but it could just be a color variation.


Merci pour l'information.

Moved from ID Request.

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