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Acmaeodera horni Fall - Acmaeodera horni - female

Acmaeodera horni Fall - Acmaeodera horni - Female
west slope of Dragoon Mountains along Middlemarch Road, 1700 meters elevation, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
May 30, 2020
Size: 11.5 mm
This species has been very rarely collected. It was known only from the type until a specimen was found in the University of Arizona Insect Collection from the Santa Catalina Mountains. Rick Westcott and Chuck Bellamy went to the locality of that specimen and collected 7 more, and wrote a note about the species (Westcott, R. L. & C. L. Bellamy. 2004. The rediscovery of Acmaeodera horni Fall (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). The Pan-Pacific Entomologist 79(3/4):250-251). The locality where they collected was subsequently burned in a wildfire. As far as I am aware, the species hasn't been collected again until now. Collected by Norm Woodley, on flower of Fallugia paradoxa, photos by Steve Lingafelter.

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Acmaeodera horni Fall - Acmaeodera horni - female Acmaeodera horni Fall - Acmaeodera horni - female Acmaeodera horni Fall - Acmaeodera horni - female

Moved from ID Request.

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