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Unknown Beetle - Euglenes pygmaeus

Unknown Beetle - Euglenes pygmaeus
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
June 5, 2020
Size: 3-4mm

a eurotramp... nice find, nice pic
i dunno if it's been recorded in the east, pls check with someone who keeps track of Canadian beetle records, e.g. Pat Bouchard or Yves Bousquet

Moved from Beetles.

Ontario record published in 2017
record was from Sault Ste. Marie in 2015, see here

thanks again! so Pat was indeed a part of it....

Thanks for your help!!

Hello, I am preparing an upda
Hello, I am preparing an update of the North American Aderidae fauna and would like to include this record. This old world species was first found in Canada by Tim Loh in 2010 (in British Columbia []), your picture and another one [] confirm that it is well acclimated. May I cite your record?

looks like an aderid but those antennae!!!!

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