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Egg Cases Found Under Leaves?

Egg Cases Found Under Leaves?
Pilot Point, Denton County, Texas, USA
July 7, 2020
I’ve found these mostly on the underside of my garden leaves. I’m pretty sure that the adult insect looks a lot like a gnat (I’ve bagged leaves with the eggs on them and in the morning I’ll see them); they’re small, black, and winged. Whatever it is, it’s not picky over plants (I’ve found it on my succulents, hydrangeas, inch plants, and volunteer saplings/weeds that pop up).

The thing that’s holding me up is the egg case, which rules out a lot of common gnat-like types. It almost looks like whatever insect lays the eggs right below the surface of the leaf.

I normally wouldn’t be too bothered, but I think these critters are sap-suckers and I find so many new egg cases daily that it’s borderline an infestation. I tried letting nature do nature, then neem oil, then spinosad.

No lines like leafminer, no munching like beetle, the leaf will sometimes become "droopy" when the eggs/larvae are found on it.

Moved from ID Request.

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