Former Pontania
Types and biological notes of the eastern North American sawflies of Pontania Costa and Phyllocolpa Benson (Hym.:Tenthredinidae) By Zinovjev A.G., Smith D.R. Proc. Entom. Soc. Wash. 101: 359-371, 1999
Contributed by v belov on 6 May, 2013 - 4:01pm |
The genera of Nematinae (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae) By Prous M, Blank SM, Goulet H, Heibo E, Liston A, Malm T, Nyman T, Schmidt S, Smith DR, Vårdal, H, Viitasaari M, Vikberg V, Taege J. Hymenopt. Res. 40: 1–69, 2014
Contributed by v belov on 6 November, 2014 - 11:22am |
Sawflies from Alberta (Tenthredinidae) By Alex D. MacGillivray The Canadian Entomologist, 55(7): 158-162, 1923
Expanding ranges for four species of invasive sawflies (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) in the eastern United States By Smith D. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 105: 246-248, 2003
Contributed by v belov on 4 March, 2013 - 10:32am |
Kommentare zur Taxonomie der Symphyta (Hymenoptera) (Vorarbeiten zu einem Katalog der Pflanzenwespen, Teil 1) By Andreas Taeger & Stephan M. Blank Beiträge zur Entomologie, 46(2): 251-275, 1996
Translated title: Comments on the taxonomy of the Symphyta (Hymenoptera) (Preparatory work for a catalogue of plant wasps, part 1)
World Catalog of Symphyta (Hymenoptera) By Andreas Taeger, Stephan M. Blank, & Andrew Liston Zootaxa, 2580: 1–1064, 2010
Checklist of the sawflies (Hymenoptera) of Canada, Alaska and Greenland By Henri Goulet & Andrew M. R. Bennett Journal of Hymenoptera Research: 82: 21-67, 2021
Sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) newly recorded from Washington State By Chris Looney, David R. Smith, Sharon J. Collman, David W. Langor, Merrill A. Peterson
Chris Looney et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 49: 129–159 (2016)
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List of species:
Xiphydria prolongata, Neodiprion sertifer, Diprion similis, Gilpinia hercyniae, Cladius grandis, Cladius gregarius, Pristiphora geniculata, Pristiphora rufipes, Craesus alniastri, Nematus lipovskyi, Heterarthrus nemoratus, Heterarthrus vagans, Metallus lanceolatus, Fenusella nana, Profenusa thomsoni, Profenusa inspirata, Fenusa ulmi, Halidamia affinis, Monophadnus pallescens, Eupareophora parca, Monostegia abdominalis, Macrophya punctumalbum