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Odontoloxozus longicornis - male

Odontoloxozus longicornis - Male
San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas, USA
May 26, 2008

Images of this individual: tag all
Odontoloxozus longicornis - male Odontoloxozus longicornis - male

Moved from Cactus Flies.

Matthias- Thanks!
Matthias- Thanks!

Moved from Stilt-legged Flies.

I am quite far from being a fly expert, but the general appearance seems to be that of a neriid.

If it is one, nice find.

Jeff- Thanks!
Jeff- Thanks!

wrong family
Hi Jerry,

Did you mean to move this to the neriid page instead of here?

Jeff- Please explain where yo
Jeff- Please explain why you think I placed it incorrectly.

Just did not know if you placed it here inadvertantly or on purpose. It confused me when you thanked me but moved it to a different family than I had suggested. Once again sorry.

Jeff- No thanks needed howeve
Jeff- No thanks needed however my apologies for misplacing it. My problem started when I searched on neriid and could find nothing. After that I somehow came up with stilt fly but cannot remember how. I will move it to cactus flowers per your original suggestion.

Jeff- the Neriidae page is fo
Jeff- the Neriidae page is for cactus flowers. This is a stilt fly and thus with other stilt flies. If this is a catus fly, I will gladly move it.

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