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Unusual nymphs - Mozena arizonensis

Unusual nymphs - Mozena arizonensis
La Quinta, Riverside County, California, USA
July 18, 2020
Eggs first seen on 7/8/20 on tomato plant. Insects first seen on 7/18/20. Unsure if some sort of leaf-footed bug nymphs but unusual coloration caught my eye.

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Unusual nymphs - Mozena arizonensis Unusual nymphs - Mozena arizonensis Unusual nymphs - Mozena arizonensis

Moved from Mozena.


Mozena arizonensis
the only one that far west is Mozena a, and this is them alright. aren't they cute? look a tad like candy

If these photos were taken on different days, please click on "edit" under each one and add the correct sighting date.


Moved from ID Request.

Could be Mozena...

..but we have so few specimens from CA (and none ID'd to species) that I'm reluctant to make that call. If you can keep an eye on them and get photos as they grow, that would be most helpful.

Thanks--and welcome to BugGuide!

I wish I could continue observing them but by the next day they were completely gone. There were a few unhatched eggs but all of the nymphs were gone and I couldn't find a single live specimen left anywhere.

Too bad
But keep your eyes open. You might find an adult or two in the upcoming weeks.

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