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Genus Callobius

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Spiders of South Dakota
An annotated list of the species of spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) found in South Dakota, compiled from records in the author's collection (KMP), the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (ZA), and published journal articles. Valid reports of additional species are welcome.

Annotated list of Kansas Jumping Spiders
"Currently, the Kansas jumping spider fauna consists of 70 species belonging to 31 genera. This list includes only those species and localities represented by a preserved specimen examined by one of the authors or found in the most recent taxonomic revision."

Spiders of Texas
"Gertsch & Mulaik started a list of Texas spiders in 1940. In a letter from Gertsch dated October 20, 1982, he stated “Years ago a first listing of the Texas fauna was published by me based largely on Stanley Mulaik material, but it had to be abandoned because of other tasks.” Vogel (1970b) published the Bibliography of Texas Spiders and recorded 560 species. This catalog is an update of Vogel’s list."

"This list contains 1000 species in 52 families. Many more species remain to be discovered."

Spiders of Arkansas
"An updated checklist of the spiders of Arkansas, by Peggy Rae Dorris, Ph.D.
Henderson State University."

"This updated checklist of spiders is based on published and unpublished records available to the author. At present, 35 families, 204 genera, and 546 species of spiders have been identified in Arkansas."

Nearctic Spider Database
The Nearctic Spider Database aims to consolidate images, distribution maps, and species descriptions for all species of spider found in North America.

DMNS-Colorado Spider Survey
Lots of interesting information about collecting and preserving spider specimens in their newsletter, which is available on their website.

Spiders of California
This is an authoritative checklist that aims (pretty much successfully) to list every species of spider ever recorded from California, along with synonyms, range (given in terms of counties) and citations of references in the taxonomic literature. It won't tell you how to identify any spiders, nor will it tell you anything beyond classification and range of species- but it will tell you the names and synonyms of species in a given county so you can look them up elsewhere.

Visually Identifiable Spiders
A handy list of spiders that can be recognized by their appearance alone. The brevity of the list should also serve as a warning that often we just can't be sure without having an expert look at a specimen.

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