Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada

Genus Callobius

The information below is based on images submitted and identified by contributors. Range and date information may be incomplete, overinclusive, or just plain wrong.

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Range map for Callobius

Hover over black occurrence boxes to see number of images submitted. Log in to make states, months and boxes clickable.
Alaska  5 13 2    
Alberta    1 18    
British Columbia 11481082436961
California34474413149 7
Connecticut     31     
Illinois    2       
Iowa     7  3   
Maine  157 7     
Maryland       11   
Massachusetts  145632 14  
Michigan  21 1   1  
Minnesota   22   4 1 
Montana 1        2 
New Brunswick  71 12     
New Hampshire  141  1 3  
New Jersey 1          
New York  31 28 3   
North Carolina    1   1   
Nova Scotia         1  
Ohio        1   
Ontario  12 2      
Oregon22 104 645101 
Pennsylvania  2  4  1   
Quebec        6   
Vermont    2       
Washington 4538116812253 
Wisconsin  2         
Wyoming      11