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Hygronemobius alleni - male

Hygronemobius alleni - Male
San Carlos Bay - Bunche Beach Preserve, Lee County, Florida, USA
January 13, 2021
A very exciting find. I had come back to the parking lot after checking the beach for interesting birds, and noticed some 'paths' into the surrounding mangrove swamp. As I began walking into the mangroves, I recalled that this species should be found on the ground in such habitat. Within minutes, careful scanning revealed the presence of very small, dark crickets in the debris lying on the soil of the swamp. Once located, individuals were fairly easy to corral into vials. I was able to collect an adult male and female, as well as several nymphs. The species appeared common here, although I only heard a few males calling.

iNat post:

female and nymph:

Images of this individual: tag all
Hygronemobius alleni - male Hygronemobius alleni - male


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