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Family Lycaenidae - Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks, Harvesters

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Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest
By Robert Michael Pyle, Caitlin C. LaBar
Timber Press, Inc., 2018
Publisher's Page
This book is an updated and revised version of The Butterflies of Cascadia.
A must-have for nature lovers in the Pacific Northwest Butterflies of the Pacific Northwest is an easy-to-use and beautifully illustrated field guide to more than 200 of the region’s most common and distinctive butterflies. Profiles include preferred common name for both genus and species, conservation status, the look and distinguishing traits of each butterfly, habitat and range, and much more. Additional information includes a brief introduction to how butterflies work and details on ecology and conservation.

Butterflies of Louisiana: A guide to identification and location
By Marks, C.
LSU Press, Baton Rouge, LA, 2018
Publisher's Page

Craig Marks. 2018. Butterflies of Louisiana: A Guide to Identification and Location. LSU Press, Baton Rouge, LA. 472 pgs.


Butterflies abound in every region of the Bayou State, and with this authoritative resource in hand, both the experienced and novice butterfly watcher can identify a frequent backyard visitor or pinpoint the haunts of a particular species. With a long flight season stretching from late February to early November, Louisiana offers an abundance of opportunities to observe the 154 native species of butterflies, whose habitats range from coastal prairies to swampland to northern piney woods.

A Swift Guide to Butterflies of Mexico and Central America, Second Edition.
By Glassberg, J.
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 304 pp., 2018
Publisher's Page

Glassberg, J. 2018. A Swift Guide to Butterflies of Mexico and Central America, Second Edition. Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. 304 pp.

3,250 color photos and maps

A groundbreaking photographic field guide to almost all of Mexico's butterfly species and many of Central America's
This is a revised second edition of a groundbreaking photographic field guide to the butterflies of Mexico and Central America. Written by Jeffrey Glassberg, the pioneering authority on the field identification of butterflies, the guide covers more than 2,000 species and features over 3,700 large, gorgeous color photographs, the very best images available, accompanied by authoritative facing-page text. This second edition includes more species, more than 1,500 new photos, and updated text, maps, and species names. And range maps, field marks, and host plants are included for all Mexican butterflies. The result is an ideal field guide that will enable you to identify almost every butterfly you see.

A systematic revision of some of the American butterflies, with brief notes on those known to occur in Essex Co., Massachusetts.
By Scudder, S.H.
Peabody Academy of Science 4: 24-83., 1872
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Scudder, S.H. 1872. A systematic revision of some of the American butterflies, with brief notes on those known to occur in Essex County, Massachusetts. Annual Report. Peabody Academy of Science 4: 24-83.

Some new and rare records of Lepidoptera found in Texas.
By Kendall, R.O., & W.W. McGuire.
Bulletin of the Allyn Museum 86: 1-50., 1984
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Kendall, R.O., & W.W. McGuire. 1984. Some new and rare records of Lepidoptera found in Texas. Bulletin of the Allyn Museum 86: 1-50.

Some of the records treated here have appeared in the Lepidopterists' News (Season Summary) and others in the Southern Lepidopterists' News. For historical and biological abstracting purposes they are formalized in this paper, together with appropriate credits and reference citations. It will be noted that these particular species, except for Staphylus azteca (Scudder) and Atrytone mazai Freeman (oversightsl, were not included in the 1981 Miller and Brown Catalogue/Checklist because their original appearance in the literature was not in a formal publication.

An annotated checklist of the butterflies of Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State park and vicinity.
By McGuire, W.W. & M.A. Richard.
Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Austin. Mimeograph pp. 1-22., 1974
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McGuire, W.W. & M.A. Richard. 1974. An annotated checklist of the butterflies of Bentsen-Rio Grande Valley State park and vicinity. Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, Austin. Mimeograph pp. 1-22.

Introduction (in part)

The species listed here in are primarily a result of the collecting by the authors during the period 1972-1973. Certain important records of the previous several years are also included. Additionally, the checklist incorporates records of a number of other lepidopterists. The primary focus of the checklist, then, is upon recent collecting, rather than being an attempt to list all known records from the Mid-Valley area.

Guide to butterflies of Austin.
By Durden, C.J.
Texola 6: 1-109., 1990
Durden, C.J. 1990. Guide to butterflies of Austin. Texola 6: 1-109.

Invaluable resource for information on Austin's butterflies.

see: Travis County Butterfly Checklist

The butterfly fauna of Barton Creek Canyon on the Balcones Fault Zone, Austin, Texas, and a regional list.
By Durden, C.J.
Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 36(1): 1-17., 1982
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Durden, C.J. 1982. The butterfly fauna of Barton Creek Canyon on the Balcones Fault Zone, Austin, Texas, and a regional list. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 36(1): 1-17.

ABSTRACT. Diversity of substrate, topography and water supply, and climate and vegetation account for the occurrence of 74% of the regional fauna along a 1.1 km stretch of Barton Creek. Monthly mean weather records for 40 years are analyzed on a bioclimagram and the modes matched with habitat types. 172 species are listed for the ten counties around Austin, and range, habitat, abundance, and residency are indicated for the 127 found at the study site.

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