Identification, Images, & Information
For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Systelloderes - male

Systelloderes - Male
Roseville, Placer County, California, USA
September 24, 2019
Size: 4 mm
Taken from 20 watt UV light bucket trap.
Elevation = 87m (285'), GPS= 38.7226, -121.2992.

Key used = Wygodzinsky (1).

-- Protarsi are short (only 3 times longer than width).
-- Outer claw of forelegs well developed but a little smaller than inner claw.
-- Hind tarsi 2 segmented.
-- Apex of mid and hind tibia with 2 spines within the semicircle formed by bristle combs.
-- Coxal cavities with no sclerite between the coxae (anterior acetabula open).
-- Setae present in lumens of forewing cells.
-- Fore wings lacking both basal and closed discal cells (no cross vein between M & Cu).
In the image of the wing, the costa is folded down, not visible behind the radius with the hind wing visible below it.
-- Genitalia with dorsal side up - supra distal plate and guide coming up from below.

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Moved from Unique-headed Bugs.