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Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male

Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - Male
Colfax, Placer County, California, USA
October 18, 2020
Size: 3.9 mm
Captured in a 20 Watt UV bucket trap at 9 mi. south of Colfax, on Pine Lake Dr., 666 m elevation (2,185 ft), 39.0649, -120.9439. Habitat is the top of a conifer populated ridge.

Key used = Wygodzinsky (1).
-- body measured from rostrum to tip of abdomen.
-- Genitalia with dorsal side up, spoon shaped guide coming up between 2 raised parameres.
-- Protibial spurs shown here end on & from the side.
-- Protarsi are short (only 3 times longer than width) not including the claw.
-- Outer claw of forelegs well developed but only 83% the length of the inner claw.
-- Hind tarsi 2 segmented.
-- Apex of mid and hind tibia with 2 spines within the semicircle formed by bristle combs.
-- Stigma red.
-- Setae present in lumens of forewing cells.
-- Fore wings with both basal and closed discal cells (2 cross vein between M & Cu).
In the image of the wing, the costa is folded down, not visible behind the radius with the hind wing visible below it.

I keyed this to Hymenocoris and it agrees with the generic description.

If Hymenocoris, in the key to species it keys to H. formicinus on this basis.
-- Head width across eyes less than or equal to width of hind lobe of head.

Images of this individual: tag all
Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male Hymenocoris formicinus? - Hymenocoris - male

Moved from Unique-headed Bugs.

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