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Photos of insects and people from the 2024 BugGuide gathering in Idaho July 24-27

Moth submissions from National Moth Week 2024

Photos of insects and people from the 2022 BugGuide gathering in New Mexico, July 20-24

Photos of insects and people from the Spring 2021 gathering in Louisiana, April 28-May 2

Photos of insects and people from the 2019 gathering in Louisiana, July 25-27

Photos of insects and people from the 2018 gathering in Virginia, July 27-29

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Genus Dioryctria

Phylum Arthropoda - Arthropods
Subphylum Hexapoda - Hexapods
Class Insecta - Insects
Order Lepidoptera - Butterflies and Moths
Superfamily Pyraloidea - Pyralid and Crambid Snout Moths
Family Pyralidae - Pyralid Moths
Subfamily Phycitinae
Tribe Phycitini
Genus Dioryctria

Species abietivorella - Fir Coneworm - Hodges#5841
Species albovittella - Dioryctria albovittella - Hodges#5859
Species amatella - Southern Pine Coneworm - Hodges#5853
Species auranticella - Ponderosa Pine Coneworm Moth - Hodges#5846
Species banksiella - Dioryctria banksiella - Hodges#5858
Species baumhoferi - Dioryctria baumhoferi - Hodges#5860
Species caesirufella - Dioryctria caesirufella - Hodges#5849.1
Species cambiicola - Western Pine Moth - Hodges#5854
Species clarioralis - Blister Coneworm - Hodges#5863.1
Species delectella - Dioryctria delectella - Hodges#5852.1
Species disclusa - Webbing Coneworm Moth - Hodges#5847
Species ebeli - South Coastal Coneworm - Hodges#5863.4
Species erythropasa - Dioryctria erythropasa - Hodges#5848
Species gulosella - Dioryctria gulosella - Hodges#5862
Species hodgesi - Dioryctria hodgesi - Hodges#5851.1
Species inyoensis - Dioryctria inyoensis - Hodges#5863.2
Species merkeli - Loblolly Pine Coneworm - Hodges#5854.1
Species okanaganella - Dioryctria okanaganella - Hodges#5851
Species pentictonella - Dioryctria pentictonella - Hodges#5861
Species ponderosae - Ponderosa twig moth - Hodges#5850
Species pseudotsugella - Dioryctria pseudotsugella - Hodges#5844
Species pygmaeella - Bald Cypress Coneworm Moth - Hodges#5849
Species reniculelloides - Spruce Coneworm - Hodges#5843
Species resinosella - Red Pine Shoot Moth - Hodges#5861.1
Species rossi - Dioryctria rossi - Hodges#5845
Species sierra - Dioryctria sierra - Hodges#5863.3
Species subtracta - Dioryctria subtracta - Hodges#5863
Species taedivorella - Lesser Loblolly Pineconeworm Moth - Hodges#5863.5
Species westerlandi - Dioryctria westerlandi - Hodges#5859.1
Species yatesi - Mountain Pineconeworm Moth - Hodges#5863.6
Species zimmermani - Zimmerman Pine Moth - Hodges#5852