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Paratrachelizus uncimanus

Paratrachelizus uncimanus
Upper Key Largo, Monroe County, Florida, USA
July 23, 1976
Size: about 15 mm

I guess these guys are small enough to be pointed
but they're so skinny that they could be a decent length too. Any measurements?

Really too large to point
but I didn't want to deal with the big pin head blocking the view.

how recently captured?
or you aren't at liberty to disclose label details? :-]

A while ago
Upper Key Largo, 23-VII-1976

thanks a lot!
are there any more recent records? how few/far between these guys are?

Pretty uncommon
We only have 6-8 of these from Florida, but the habitat is in good shape and is protected so there is no reason they shouldn't still be there. Stereodermus is equally uncommon, but Brentus is abundant and we have nearly a full drawer of that.

i appreciate your time & detailed answer

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