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small brown moth with rolled wings - Scythris fuscicomella - male - female

small brown moth with rolled wings - Scythris fuscicomella - Male Female
Fort Bragg, Cumberland County, North Carolina, USA
June 11, 2005
Bumelia Webworm Moth? ID guess based on Patrick's image of the same species on June 10. Thank goodness for the recent tab!

Moved to Scythris fuscicomella
Moved from Flower Moths.

Tentative ID by J-F Landry.

Moved from Bumelia Webworm Moth. Thanks Bob.

Possibly Scythris fusciomella
On the advice of Terry Harrison we have moved this photo at MPG to 1680.99 - Sycthridid Moth spp. The moths are near Scythris fusciomella (and might be that species) but probably can't be determined at the species level without dissection.

How about this one?
This looks similar, is it possibly a member of the Xyloryctidae/Sycthrididae as well?

Thanks for any ideas.

Yes, Same as Lynette's
...and also a photo by Parker Backstrom at Bear Creek, NC, which is what started this review by Terry Harrison.

Moved from Ermine Moths.

Looks good to me
Well, I'm certainly no expert, but it looks like the same moth, for what that's worth.

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