July 7, 2021: sawfly larvae collected on adjacent plants of cottonwood and willow by M. Leoschke. The vast majority of the collected larvae were on willow with only 7 on cottonwood.
July 9, 2021: larvae arrived and oh my, the ones on willow had eaten all the plants in the bag however Mark always sends extra host plants. Since I have no easy access to willow I also set up a rearing jar with Quaking Aspen,
Populus tremuloides (of which I have a lot) for many of the willow feeders.
There were 2 pupae in with the willow plants; one in a lightly woven cocoon, the 2nd one was loose, without cocoon (but did find an empty cocoon attached to plants).
July 13, 2021: more larvae, July 24, 2021: and adult
July 22, 2021: orange and green adults (maybe males and female)
Multiple batch rearings.