Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Pseudeva purpurigera (Walker, 1858)
Deva purpurigera Walker, 1858
Panchrysia purpurigera
* phylogenetic sequence #931184
forewing length 14-16 mm (Pogue, 2005)
Alberta east to the Maritime Provinces, and discontinuously southward to Colorado, New Mexico, and eastern Arizona (Powell & Opler, 2009).
Open deciduous woodlands, edges, and meadows; adults are nocturnal and come to light (E.H. Strickland Museum).
Adults fly in July and August in Alberta; June to September in Ohio.
See Also
Allagrapha aerea - forewing is darker and more uniformly colored.
Diachrysia aereoides - forewing is less mottled and less speckled (
compare images of all 3 species at CBIF).
Pseudeva palligera - paler and less mottled, and occurs in west coast states and British Columbia, beyond the range of
P. purpurigera (
compare images of boths species at CBIF).
Print References
Eichlin, T. D. & H. B. Cunningham 1978. The Plusiinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of America north of Mexico, emphasizing genitalic and larval morphology. USDA Tech. Bulletin 1567: 1-122 (
Hampson, G. F. 1913. Noctuidae. Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 13:
Lafontaine, J. D. & R. W. Poole 1991. Moths of America North of Mexico, Fascicle 25.1: p.69; pl.1.37-38
Pogue, M. G. 2005. The Plusiinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Zootaxa 1032: 1–28 (
Powell, J. A. & P. A. Opler 2009. Moths of Western North America, Pl.49.31m; p.278
Internet References
pinned adult image by John Glaser, plus status and dates in Maryland (Larry Line, Maryland)
type specimen locality plus synonym, distribution map, larval foodplants, links to images, literature references (Markku Savela, FUNET)
distribution in Canada; list of provinces of occurrence (U. of Alberta, using CBIF data)