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a small black flying predator - Cerotainia macrocera

a small black flying predator - Cerotainia macrocera
BROOKLYN, Kings County, New York, USA
July 28, 2021
Size: approx. 1 cm.
This small bug perched on my thumb for several minutes - luckily my left hand so I was able to get several close-ups with the camera in my right hand. It seemed unbothered by the close approach of the lens on macro setting. At one point it flew off, circled around, and came back to my thumb, where I took more photos. I didn't realize until I downloaded the photos that it had gone for a takeout lunch. It was also unbothered by my moving it to another finger, but was reluctant to move to a leaf when I had to leave - it flew off. A warm mid-day meeting, the sun was quite hot.

Images of this individual: tag all
a small black flying predator - Cerotainia macrocera a small black flying predator - Cerotainia macrocera

Moved from Flies.

robber fly

I assume it's C. macrocera but I don't know that C. albipilosa can be ruled out from your photos

Thank you!
I wasn't even sure what it was - wasp, fly, etc. (my eyes aren't good, and anything that small...). The only robber fly I knew was a considerably larger brown one, which I will probably post next.

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