Explanation of Names
Lilioceris lilii (Scopoli 1763)
lilii 'of lily' (the host plant)
native to the Palaearctic (common across n. Eurasia)
(1), adventive in our area and spreading
Fritillaria, Lilium(2)
Adults will feed on Fritillaria, Polygonatum, Solanum, Smilax, Nicotiana and other plants but are not able to complete their life cycle on these hosts. They do not feed on daylilies.
Life Cycle

• Larvae

• Larva with coating removed

• Adults ♂♀
Larvae cover themselves with excrement, probably as a protection against predators
earliest record in our area: QC 1943
May spread with potted lilies, bulbs or cut flowers. In areas where it is invasive, it is a serious pest of cultivated lilies and fritillaries. Without control plants are totally defoliated by larvae. In our area represents a threat to native lilies.