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Species Glena nigricaria - Hodges#6448

Glena cf. nigricaria - Glena nigricaria - female Geometrid - Glena nigricaria Dark Moth with Black Lines - Glena nigricaria - male Glena nigricaria - female Arizona Moth - Glena nigricaria Geometridae - Glena nigricaria Glena nigricaria - male Geometridae - Glena nigricaria - male
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Geometroidea (Geometrid and Swallowtail Moths)
Family Geometridae (Geometrid Moths)
Subfamily Ennominae
Tribe Boarmiini
Genus Glena
Species nigricaria (Glena nigricaria - Hodges#6448)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Glena nigricaria (Barnes & McDunnough, 1913)
Selidosema nigricaria Barnes & McDunnough, 1913
Wingspan 32-36 mm. (1)
Forewing length 15-20 mm. (2)
Adult - forewing light to dark gray with black lines, variably sharp and distinct to diffuse and indistinct; AM line does not extend onto hindwing; first abdominal segment same color as remaining segments (not pale).
Specimens identified by DNA analysis:

Larva - final instar larva is light green with a blue or grey line inside a broad dorsal stripe, with grey or white longitudinal lines, and a brown patch on the thoracic and first abdominal segments. (2)
British Columbia to eastern California, east to Arizona, south into Mexico. (2)
Larvae feed from mid-July to early September. Adults fly mid-May to mid-August.(2)
Larval host are pines, predominantly ponderosa pine, but also lodgepole pine and Douglas-fir. (2)
Life Cycle
Larva drops to the ground to pupate in a thin shelter near the surface of the soil. (2)
See Also
Common Gray (Anavitrinella pampinaria) forewing AM line extends onto base of hindwing, and first abdominal segment is pale, contrasting against remaining segments.

Print References
Barnes, W. & J.H. McDunnough, 1913. Contributions to the natural history of the Lepidoptera of North America 2(3): 129, pl.7, f.11 (1)
Internet References
presence in California; list of 17 specimen records with dates and locations (U. of California at Berkeley)
presence in Utah; list (Joel Johnson, Utah Lepidopterists Society)
Works Cited
1.Contributions to the natural history of the Lepidoptera of North America (Vols. 1-4)
William Barnes and James Halliday McDunnough. 1911. Decatur ILL., The Review Press.
2.Moths of Western North America
Powell and Opler. 2009. UC Press.