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Pale elongate roach - Capraiellus panzeri

Pale elongate roach - Capraiellus panzeri
Presidio Hills, San Francisco County, California, USA
August 28, 2021
Size: 7.5 mm
Beat from Quercus agrifolia and collected. I can post additional pics as needed - I pinned the specimen but it is rather soft-bodied - perhaps alcohol would have been better?

Images of this individual: tag all
Pale elongate roach - Capraiellus panzeri Pale elongate roach - Capraiellus panzeri Pale elongate roach - Capraiellus panzeri

Moved from Capraiellus.


cool beast... Latiblattella?

Thanks -
v! there is a thought it might be a relatively new introduction - Capraiellus panzeri?

ha! looks like a perfect match... thanks much
go ahead, notify the authorities

I haven't collected roaches often - would you suggest alcohol as a preservative, or would you leave it rather limply pinned?

you'd rather ask roach people
...but, not being one, i pin my backyard roaches (~15 spp.?) and feel happy about it
sure, they are a pain to arrange nicely -- takes me a lot of pins and nerves to tuck in the flimsy appendages, but the result is satisfying

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