Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Epipaschia zelleri
Pococera zelleri
described in 1876 by Grote, who originally placed it in genus Mochlocera
wingspan about 24-30 mm, based on several Internet photos
Adult: Head/thorax has low longitudinal "crest" of raised brown scales in two parallel rows; forewing basally dark brownish-gray; black AM line nearly perpendicular to costal and inner margins, wavy, with sharply contrasting white outer edge; median area paler than basal and PM areas, whitish to pale buffy brown; PM line black, curved outward off of costa, bent basally in middle then straight or slightly sinuous to inner margin; variably medium to very dark gray beyond PM line; terminal line composed of several black dashes; hindwing brownish-gray with black dashed terminal line.
Larva: Stage VI. - Head light red with pale freckles; width 2.2 mm. Body yellow, dorsal line blackish, addorsal line gray; sides black with faint white line above and more distinct one below. Venter whitish, with traces of a subcentral blackish line on thorax. Joint 2 light red; anal feet dark red. -- Dyar, H. J. 1904. Poison Ivy Caterpillars. J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 12: 249-250. (google books)… Karl Hillig, 12 December, 2011
Ontario and New Jersey to Florida, west to Arizona and at least Minnesota
adults fly from June to August in Maryland and Ohio
Food plants,
Toxicodendron radicans — Dyar, H. J. 1904. Poison Ivy Caterpillars.
J. N. Y. Entomol. Soc. 12(4):
249–250See Also
Dimorphic Macalla (
M. superatalis) forewing lacks AM line and is usually greenish to PM line
Print References
Powell, J. A. & P. A. Opler, Moths of Western North America, Pl. 25.2f; p. 187.