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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Orthoporus flavior

Orthoporus flavior
Del Rio, Val Verde County, Texas, USA
August 9, 2020

Moved from ID Request.

Characters that ID this vs ornatus?
How do you distinguish this from O. ornatus? Not doubting your ID since I know you know your millis, but more curious than anything since this would be a new species for the guide and I can put better info up.

Orthoporus flavior ID
I compared the male column and gonopod to the illustrations in Causey, 1975. :)

That'll do it
Was kind of hoping there'd be some external characters too, but that's how it goes sometimes! Thanks man!

The male column is pretty telltale, but I’ve been using leg color in the field since it seems to be consistent through specimens I’ve examined (O. ornatus with pink-red to dark-colored legs, and O. flavior with bright yellow/green legs). I can send the paper to you in a bit, along with a photo of a darker specimen I have photographed. :)