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Species Perigonica tertia - Hodges#10464

Perigonica tertia - male Perigonica tertia - female Perigonica tertia - male Perigonica tertia - female EWor10-004 - Perigonica tertia Nature Center Moth - Perigonica tertia Perigonica tertia Perigonica tertia 10464 - Perigonica tertia
Show images of: caterpillars · adults · both
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Subphylum Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
Superfamily Noctuoidea (Owlet Moths and kin)
Family Noctuidae (Owlet Moths)
Subfamily Noctuinae (Cutworm or Dart Moths)
Tribe Orthosiini
Genus Perigonica
Species tertia (Perigonica tertia - Hodges#10464)
Hodges Number
Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
described in 1903 by Dyar
one of 6 species in this genus in North America listed at All-Leps
wingspan about 38 mm, based on two photos by Tom Dimock at MPG
Adult: forewing light brownish-yellow to dull orangish with irregular basal, AM, PM, and subterminal lines; reniform and orbicular spots outlined with pale scales; dark dots along veins in subterminal area; outer margin falcate, with conspicuous point (and bend) occurring about half distance from apex to anal angle (a distinguishing feature); hindwing dirty white basally, shading to brownish-gray distally, with dark discal dot and pale fringe
California, Oregon, Washington; type specimen collected in California
oak woodlands in west coast states
adults fly from February to April in California
larvae feed on leaves of Oregon White Oak (Quercus garryana) and Tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflorus)
See Also
Perigonica angulata male antennae pectinations much shorter than in P. tertia, as shown in these photos by Tom Dimock at MPG; no info found on how/whether females of the two species are distinguishable
Perigonica pectinata forewing appears almost square-ended, with bend in outer margin occurring at least two-thirds distance from apex to anal angle (see photos by Tom Dimock at MPG, and by Bruce Walsh from Arizona)
P. fulminans and P. eldana are similar but probably don't occur north of California (compare photos of these and related species by various photographers at MPG)
Internet References
pinned adult images of females by Tom Dimock (Moth Photographers Group)
larval foodplants plus habitat and differences from P. angulata (Jeff Miller, Macromoths of Northwest Forests and Woodlands, USGS)
presence in California; list of 11 specimen records with dates and locations (U. of California at Berkeley)
presence in Oregon; list citing 47 specimens in collection, including locally collected specimens (Oregon State U.)
type specimen locality and literature references (Markku Savela, FUNET)