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Epermeniidae, Fringe-tufted Moth, leaf mine on Golden Alexanders - Epermenia pimpinella

Epermeniidae, Fringe-tufted Moth, leaf mine on Golden Alexanders - Epermenia pimpinella
Plymouth Rock, Winneshiek County, Iowa, USA
August 7, 2021
When weeding in a planted prairie I accidently pulled up a Golden Alexander, Zizia aurea. It's common and I could have tossed it, but I potted it up, sat it in the row of prairie plants (that were past due to be planted).

July 29, 2021: noted that some of the leaves were mined. Picked a couple, confined them.

August 9-11, 2021: fungus gnats emerged
August 15, 2021: a small moth emerged, unfamiliar to me.

BugGuide Info: “The larvae mine the leaves of (yellow pimpernel) Taenidia integerrima, a plant in the celery family.” Searching the photos on BG, there are 2 posts with Golden Alexanders as host.

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Epermeniidae, Fringe-tufted Moth, leaf mine on Golden Alexanders - Epermenia pimpinella Epermeniidae, Fringe-tufted Moth, another leaf mine on Golden Alexanders - Epermenia pimpinella Epermeniidae, Fringe-tufted Moth, lateral - Epermenia pimpinella Epermeniidae, Fringe-tufted Moth, dorsal - Epermenia pimpinella