Synonyms and other taxonomic changes
Euxoa misturata (Smith, 1890)
Carneades misturata Smith, 1890
Carneades perturbata Smith, 1890
Carneades candida Smith, 1894
Carneades falerina Smith, 1900
Agrotis gian Strecker, 1898
Euxoa vertesta Smith, 1910
Phylogenetic Sequence # 933468
The wingspan is about 30mm.
(1) The forewing length is about 13–17mm.
(2) Forewing length 13-19 mm per MONA Fascicle 27.2
Extremely variable; forewing color may be white, gray, orange or brown (varying to certain extent upon geographic location); white hindwing.
Forewing variable in darkness from powdery cream, tan, gray-brown to dark gray; some specimens relatively uniform with darker terminal area, others have darker discal cell or median area; some specimens have pale gray cubital vein and pale gray proximal to CuA1 and CuA2; AM/PM lines are absent, broken or complete; median line absent; PM line when present is mildly to moderately toothed on veins; ST line varying from thin diffuse pale line to absent; ST line when present can vary from slightly irregular to jagged with sharp pale teeth to the outer margin; orbicular spot small, usually with an ocellus except when very small and round; reniform spot kidney-shaped, usually with gray spot in lower end in addition to other dark filling; claviform spot absent; terminal line comprised of black spots; fringe varies with forewing color. Hindwing of males pure white, sometimes with light gray suffusion near the outer margin and a partial terminal line; hindwing of females darker off-white from median area towards the outer margin; fringe pure white in both sexes.
Adults are seen during the fall months.
(2)Contributed by
Bob Biagi on 24 January, 2022 - 5:35pm
Additional contributions by
Steve MorrisLast updated 2 January, 2023 - 12:18pm