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Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis

Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis
Eastern Sierra, Inyo County, California, USA
March 26, 2022
~4150' elevation, Bishop.
Attracted to UV light.

Images of this individual: tag all
Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis Loxostege oberthuralis? - Loxostege oberthuralis

Moved from ID Request. A couple of these would look nice at MPG if they were cropped at 1:1 ratio.

Hi Steve
Thanks for the ID. I'm a little confused as to the 1:1 format. The description here on BG says to "fill the frame" with the bug. I have a few images over at MPG & Steve has never asked for the square format. Is the 1:1 format supposed to be standard?

Sorry if I never mentioned it. I've asked so often I forget whom I tell this to. For ease of use and comparison I crop images for MPG 1:1 and orient facing right for lateral shots and up for dorsal shots. I have to extend background if the image isn't already cropped square. (Dorsal shots with wings spread may be cropped 4:3.) It all adds extra work especially if the background isn't a repeatable pattern or there is little to duplicate. So yes, cropping square or as close to it is as possible is always helpful. Thanks!

...for the explanation. I'll change how I submit to fit this criteria. I appreciate all the work everyone does, especially for these Eastern Sierra observations since my observations seem to be a bit high maintenance. :-) Thank you!

1:1 standard for MPG
Disregard the fill the frame. That is just meant to encourage people to crop their image so that the bug is not a minute creature we can barely see from a distance. The images you just submitted for Protogygia biclavis are exactly what Steve needs for MPG. I am sure if you go back to some of the earlier images that he posted of yours, that he had to go in and square them up. That is a lot of work at his end. Thanks Leslie!

I'll start using the 1:1 format esp since I seem to be getting moths that there are few if any live images of. Had I known 1:1 would be helpful down the road, I would have started to crop all my images that way since BG is usually the 1st place I upload observations. It might be helpful to add that beta (ie upload square format if possible) to the Images section in the guide. Maybe to rotate images too so they are upright, that drives me nuts, it's so easy to do on the devices! LOL!

In any case thanks for all the work you, Bob Biagi and everyone else does. It's greatly appreciated!

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