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GA May Appy - Papilio appalachiensis

GA May Appy - Papilio appalachiensis
Fannin County, Georgia, USA
May 9, 2022
Adds Georgia May datapoint.

Please see all three (3) photos below. Photos 2 and 3 included for size comparison purposes.

Location Description:

North Georgia Mountain Forest Habitat in a very remote area.
Steep rugged terrain with cascading creeks in the Toccoa River watershed.
Elevations ranged from 3100-4400' in the immediate area.

Photography Explanation:

I shot 99 photos at this puddle party which included numerous individuals of both species with varying numbers at any given time.

This particular sequence was three (3) photos selected from 31 photos shot during a period of 6 minutes: 42 seconds. All photos are of the same individuals.

Uploaded large. Click to see more detail.

Larger size of Specimen:
The second two photos are for size and field mark(s) comparison with the smaller ETS. The Appalachian in the third (3rd) photo was moving and is blurred.

Additional field marks to consider for the Appalachian:

2. Sub-marginal yellow band on ventral forewing is mostly continuous yellow. The yellow dashes almost merge to form a continuous band.

3. Black line(s)/black edging on ventral hindwing is almost straight, not scalloped. Junctions of yellow and black fields relatively straight. Blue band is brighter and wider.

4. Yellow-orange spots along outer edge of ventral hindwing more rectangular than crescent-shaped.

5. Date/flight period (single-brooded), habitat, elevation, known location for the species, fresh condition. See habitat / location information above.

6. Hindwing appears elongated.

Additional photos and identical record confirmed at BAMONA and iNaturalist.

Images of this individual: tag all
GA May Appy - Papilio appalachiensis GA May Appy - Papilio appalachiensis GA May Appy - Papilio appalachiensis