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Apotomops wellingtoniana? - Apotomops wellingtoniana

Apotomops wellingtoniana? - Apotomops wellingtoniana
Coronado National Forest, Cochise County, Arizona, USA
April 20, 2022
Size: ~8.5 mm TL
Found at Ramsey Vista Campground. Although this genus is known from a large swath of N. America, from British Columbia south to Arizona and Texas and up thru the Appalachians, there appear to be very few moth sightings. In the 1984 description of A. texasana, the authors note the two N. American species are similar except the forewing terminal area of wellingtoniana is largely white with noticeable row of black terminal spots, whereas terminal area of texasana is crossed by grayish curved fascia making the terminal spots more obscure. While there is some gray in the terminal area of this moth, it is not prominent enough to label as fascia. The Jim Vargo image of texasana here at MPG shows this fascia in the terminal area of that species. A. wellingtoniana is known to fly in Arizona in April.

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Apotomops wellingtoniana? - Apotomops wellingtoniana Apotomops wellingtoniana? - Apotomops wellingtoniana

Moved from Butterflies and Moths. Placed here for now. This genus may need closer investigation on BugGuide.

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