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Species Systena blanda - Palestriped Flea Beetle

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Beetles of Western North America.
By Evans, A.V.
Princeton University Press, 2021
Publisher’s page

From the author of the acclaimed Beetles of Eastern North America, a triumphant follow-up guide to western beetles, lavishly illustrated with more than 1,500 stunning color photographs.

• The only comprehensive color photographic guide to the region’s beetles
• Covers 1,428 species from all 131 families west of the Continental Divide, and offers tips for identifying more than 450 additional species
• Features more than 1,500 stunning color photographs

Additions to the Catalogue of Kansas Coleoptera.
By Popenoe, A.E.
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 6: 77-86., 1878

Popenoe, A.E. 1878. Additions to the Catalogue of Kansas Coleoptera. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 6: 77-86.

The following list of additions to the Catalogue of Kansas Coleoptera includes in great part the results of the collections of 1877 and 1878, made in different localities by Prof. F. H. Snow and the writer. The species were determined by Dr. John L. LeConte, of Philadelphia, to whom thanks are due for many favors. Those species noted from Lawrence are added by Prof.

Descriptions of new species of Coleoptera of the United States
By Melsheimer, F. E.
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia 3: 158-181.

DNA barcodes reveal 63 overlooked species of Canadian beetles (Insecta, Coleoptera)
By Pentinsaari M, Anderson R, Borowiec L, Bouchard P, Brunke A, Douglas H, Smith A, Hebert P
ZooKeys 894: 53–150, 2019

Descriptions of coleopterous insects collected in the late expedition to the Rocky Mountains ...
By Thomas Say
J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Vol. III, Part 1, pp. 139-216, 1823
Thomas Say, Descriptions of coleopterous insects collected in the late expedition to the Rocky Mountains, performed by order of Mr. Calhoun, Secretary of War, under the command of Major Long. By Thomas Say, Zoologist to the Expedition. Read October 22, 1823. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Vol. III, Part 1, pp. 139-216, 1823.

Full text

Description of some new Species of North American Insects
By Le Conte, J.
Annals of the Lyceum Natural History of New York, 1: 169-173., 1824
Full Text

This is father Le Conte's first publication on beetles...

Description of some new Species of North American Insects. By Captain John Le Conte of the United States Army. Read Nov. 8th.

Owing to the difficulty of determining, in this country, what insects are know to naturalists in Europe, the science of entomology has as yet made but small progress amongst us : even if all the books which have been published on this subject were commonly available, we still should not be in a much better situat

Miscellaneous notes and descriptions of North American Coleoptera.
By Fall, H.C.
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 36(2): 89-197., 1910
Full Text - JSTOR

Fall, H.C. 1910. Miscellaneous notes and descriptions of North American Coleoptera. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 36(2): 89-197.

An annotated list of Gainesville, Florida, Coleoptera.
By Herbert, D.
Entomological news, 29: 331-335., 1918
Full Text - 295-298 - BHL

Full Text - 331-335 - BHL

Herbert, D. 1918. An annotated list of Gainesville, Florida, Coleoptera. Entomological news, 29(9): 295-298, 331-335. (To be continued.)

The following annotated list is the result of extensive collecting at Gainesville, Florida, from January 1, 1916, to June 1, 1917. Collections and observations were taken under all conditions and during all seasons of the year. These were made in the various ecological habitats, but the majority of the Coleoptera listed here are hammock insects, as the writer was conducting an ecological study of Florida hammock and piny-woods insects during this period.

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