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Squash Bug - Anasa tristis

Squash Bug - Anasa tristis
Deville, Rapides Parish, Louisiana, USA
August 17, 2008
Below are some images of an adult and other nymphs found under the same leaf:

Moved from not yet identified nymphs.

I moved this back. After looking at the image from Abigail, I too believe this belongs here :)

Moved from Squash Bug.

What if
this was a different species? Other early nymphs of A. tristis don't look like this.

First instar
Since I made this comment I learned that first instar nymphs of squash bugs look exactly like this. If in doubt ask Abby, she knows.
If I have time I will add images of several instars to the guide page.

Not an ID
Chelinidea ?

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