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Climacielle brunnea eggs, under 12x magnification - Climaciella brunnea

Climacielle brunnea eggs, under 12x magnification - Climaciella brunnea
Brazelier Island, Orleans Parish, Louisiana, USA
August 21, 2008
Size: ~20mm
I took a small subset of the eggs home with me (less than 1/4 of what she'd laid in the other photo). I'm going to try to hatch and photograph the juvenile stages if I can. I may see if I can collect some suitable spider hosts when I return to the field tomorrow.

It's interesting that the eggs are still stalked, yet the stalk is practically useless, as many of the eggs are clumped onto the leaf surface. Is this trait devolving in this species?

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Climacielle brunnea ovipositing on a grass leaf! - Climaciella brunnea - female Climacielle brunnea ovipositing on a grass leaf! - Climaciella brunnea - female Climacielle brunnea eggs, under 12x magnification - Climaciella brunnea