Genus Stictiella - Butterfly-wolf Wasps
California Sand Wasps of the Subtribe Stictiellina By R. M. Bohart and J. E. Gillaspy Bull. Calif. Insect Survey, Vol. 27, 89 pp. -- University of California Press, 1985
Full Text (PDF).
This volume covers the subtribe Stictiellina of the tribe Bembecini in California...treating the following genera:
Chilostictia, Glenostictia, Microstictia, Steniolia, Stictiella, and Xerostictia
It is the companion volume to the earlier publication Bohart & Horning (1)(1971), which covered only the subtribe Bembecina within Bembecini.
A revision of the bembicine wasps of America North of Mexico By Parker J.B. Proc. USNM 52: 1‒155, 1917
Contributed by v belov on 4 February, 2022 - 4:04pm |
California Bembicine Sand Wasps By R. M. Bohart and D. S. Horning, Jr. Bull. Calif. Insect Survey, Vol. 13, 49 pp. -- University of California Press, 1971
Full Text (PDF).
This is a useful resource for California and beyond as it has a keys to:
1) the genera of Bembicini of North America;
2) the species of Bembix in California;
3) the 10 species of Bicyrtes in North America;
4) the 7 species of Microbembex in the continental US.
Note: This reference does not cover subtribe Stictiellina (i.e. genera Glenostictia, Microstictia, Steniolia, Stictiella, and Xerostictia)...which are covered in the later companion volume Bohart & Gillaspy (1)(1985).
A generic revision of the fossorial wasps of the tribes Stizini and Bembicini with notes and descriptions of new species By Parker J.B. Proc. USNM 75: 1-203, 1929
Contributed by v belov on 4 February, 2022 - 4:08pm |
The Sand Wasps: Natural History and Behavior By Howard Ensign Evans & Kevin M. O'Neill Harvard University Press, 2007
This book can be previewed here. I have only browsed it a bit, but it looks like yet another excellent work from Howard Ensign Evans and his collaborators.
Sphecid wasps of the world: a generic revision By Richard Mitchell Bohart, Arnold S. Menke University of California Press, 1976
This is an excellent reference work!! The entire masterly obra magnum (675+ pages!) can be accessed beginning at the link below:
...provided courtesy of the " Internet Archive".
Thanks to Jeff for pointing to this link, which provides access to the entire work...unlike the incomplete coverage available at the Google Books link I had originally posted here.
Trap-nesting wasps and bees: life histories, nests, and associates By Krombein K.V. Smithsonian Press, Washington, DC. vi+570 pp., 1967
Contributed by v belov on 21 February, 2022 - 8:37pm |
Wasps: Their Biology, Diversity, and Role as Beneficial Insects and Pollinators of Native Plants By Heather N. Holm Pollination Press LLC; First edition, 2021