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Gall - Neolasioptera impatientifolia

Gall - Neolasioptera impatientifolia
Hartford County, Connecticut, USA
Size: ~ 10mm
Found another gall on Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis). The last one was identified as a gall created by the midge Schizomyia impatientis and was found on the flower/fruit.

This gall is on a leaf stem. Is it the same insect?

Neolasioptera impatientifolia
This is the same species that makes the midrib galls I described below.

Very cool!
I need to see if my library has that book...

Midge gall
I'm pretty sure this is also a midge gall, but a different species. I've also been seeing midge galls in the middle of jewelweed leaves (on the underside of the midrib), which may or may not be yet another species. I'll let you know (if no one else does first) when my copy of this book shows up. I had it checked out from a library before, and it's a great resource if you can find a copy. I had to order a used copy from the U.K.

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