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Florida Moth for ID - Diviana eudoreella

Florida Moth for ID - Diviana eudoreella
Ocala National Forest Rt. 71, Lake County, Florida, USA
May 2, 2023
Closest I am coming is Hodges 5929 Diviana eudoreella. Most images show moths much paler than mine, but the pattern is quite similar. There is one image in BOLD as bold and dark as mine however. I noted at least half a dozen specimens over the 6 days spent in different places in Florida, all of them with the same sharper darker markings. Found on a sheet with a Bioquip UV black light.

Images of this individual: tag all
Florida Moth for ID - Diviana eudoreella Florida Moth for ID - Diviana eudoreella Florida Moth for ID - Diviana eudoreella

Moved, Diviana eudoreella
Moved from ID Request. Nice — do you have photos of others?

coming up
One from same night, another from next night in the same setup spot, so all 3 in Ocala National Forest. I believe 3 or so others looking the same were seen same place same days, but not collected and photoed.

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