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Genus Neolasioptera

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Key to Adults of North American Genera of the Subfamily Cecidomyiinae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae)
By Raymond J. Gagne
Zootaxa, 2018
Link to abstract here:

"Keys to the subfamilies of Cecidomyiidae and to the 150 genera of Cecidomyiinae known to occur in North America are presented. Information is given within the key for each of the genera on distribution, number of species and habits. Patterns of general distribution for the subfamily are discussed. A glossary to anatomical terms is included".

The wood midges (Diptera: Lestremiidae) of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
By John Plakidas
Loyalfield, 2017
Abstract: The wood midges (Diptera: Lestremiidae) from Allegheny County Pennsylvania, USA are presented. Thirty eight species in twenty three genera have been recorded. A detailed larval, pupal and adult diagnosis is also provided for the first time which supports the monophyly of the Lestremiidae (Diptera). One new genus and species, Cratotocha ampliata gn. n. et sp. n. and two additional new species Polyardis carinata sp. n. and Excerscentia alleghenyensis sp. n.. are also described and illustrated. The systematic model for the Lestremiidae includes three subfamilies: Catotrichinae, Lestremiinae, and Micromyinae. Separate keys to the genera for larvae and adults are also included. These keys incorporate newly discovered taxa from North America including extralimital genera.

The spruce shoot gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae): Piceacecis, a new genus for a non-native pest of Norway spruce from Europ
By Gagne, R.J., Graney, L.
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington, 116(4):378-393, 2015
Abstract here

Additions to the Gall Midge Fauna of New England
By Felt, Ephraim Porter
Psyche: Journal of Entomology: vol. 21, 109-114, 1914
Download PDH here

The gall midges of California [Diptera: Itonididae (Cecidomyiidae)]
By Pritchard A.E.
Bull. Calif. Insect Survey 2: 125-150, 1953

The larvae of the gall midges (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae): comparative morphology, biology, keys
By B.M. Mamaev & N.P. Krivosheina
Rev. ed. Rotterdam: Balkema. 293 pp., 1993
Translated from the 1965 Russian original version by J.H. Wieffering, edited by J.C. Roskam.
Full text; review

The Plant-Feeding Gall Midges of North America
By Raymond J. Gagné
Cornell University Press, 1989
If you've gotten as far as figuring out that your gall was made by a midge (Cecidomyiidae), you should be able to figure out the species from this book's illustrations and keys.

Mycetophilidae: (Bolitophilinae, Ditomyiinae, Diadocidiinae, Keroplatinae, Sciophilinae and Manotinae) - Diptera, Nematocera
By Hutson, A. M.; Ackland, D. M. & Kidd, L. N.
Royal Entomological Society of London, 1980
Handbooks for the identification of British insects - Vol. IX, Part 3

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