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Plant bug - Trigonotylus caelestialium

Plant bug - Trigonotylus caelestialium
Groton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
September 28, 2008
Size: ~5mm

Thanks Don
It's a new species for the guide!
Would this one be the same species?

Trigonotylus coelestialium
Critical color pattern of antennal scape nicely visible here.

Thank you!
Please let us know the details...

Do you mean "antennal scape" as the first antennal segment or something below it?

the first
long antennomere at the base. The elongate reddish stripes are typical of this species, along with reddish hind tibiae and a prominent tylus (seen in lateral view - I have Tom's specimen). This specimen keys out well in Kelton's Miridae of the Prairie Provinces, and probably also in Slater & Baranowski's "How to know the true bugs."

Thanks, again!
I wish I could have Kelton's excellent book!

Then, I understand the first antennomere of similar other species, for example, T. ruficornis, is red-colored, but not red-striped, isn't it? However, it is hard for me to distinguish just "colored" and "striped." After I saw your comments, I compared this image with an image of T. ruficornis. But, I failed to distinguish them. Is it difficult just with photos? or Did I misunderstand something or did I miss some point? or Is the linked image misidentified?

Thank you for your kindness in advance!

T. ruficornis does occur here, and according to Kelton the first antennomere is "diffuse reddish." Having the specimen in hand is critical for the non-specialist (me) to put a name on it, though I am a bit familiar with them due to being assigned the Heteroptera at the Hemiptera BioBlitz held last August at Acadia National Park. The coelestialium antennae is distinctly striped when compared with ruficornis, which is at best vaguely striped (plus size differences). They just look different when side-by-side.

Thank you very much!
Now, I am feeling something about the striped antenna.
I think at least Tom's another bug is the same species.

Thanks WonGun
for correcting this to the right genus.

maybe Trigonotylus

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