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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
Yellow-marked Buprestid Beetle - Possible Acmaeodera consors - Acmaeodera consors

Yellow-marked Buprestid Beetle - Possible Acmaeodera consors - Acmaeodera consors
Austin/ Barton Creek Greenbelt, Travis County, Texas, USA
May 7, 2024
Size: 1 - 1.5 cm
Specimen located off a trail characterized by a dense foliage. The area is home to a shallow-water creek, however this individual was found on as the trail began to slope towards the creek area.
Location Address: Barton Creek Greenbelt Trail, Austin, TX 78746

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Yellow-marked Buprestid Beetle - Possible Acmaeodera consors - Acmaeodera consors Yellow-marked Buprestid Beetle - Possible Acmaeodera consors - Acmaeodera consors

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