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Canadian sighting  - Odonteus - female

Canadian sighting - Odonteus - Female
Princeton, Oxford, Ontario, Canada
July 29, 2024

Images of this individual: tag all
Canadian sighting  - Odonteus - female Canadian sighting  - Odonteus Canadian sighting  - Odonteus Canadian sighting  - Odonteus

here we go; thanks for the corrections
Moved from Frass.

for items you cross-post on iNat, pls include link to that post in the Remarks field: that way we can check activity there & see how reliable those IDs, if any, are

Frassed as duplicate of 2385080

not in that family; Ochodaeidae have hairy, flat dorsum
nothing like here... how was the id obtained?

I originally posted in the on
I originally posted in the ontario insects group and it was suggested. I added it to Inat and someone in the States (Inat expert) positively ID'd it. I am no expert though - but I do have more photos from other angles and its underside. I'm new to posting here and have been adding my 'unusuals.' Would it be helpful to see other photos? I found it in my moth trap when it was in our back bush.

Thanks for your expertise.

so, still no date??

Gah! Yes, there is a date - p
Gah! Yes, there is a date - posted.

thanks --pls do same on the rest of the series

Ah. I didn't realize it doesn
Ah. I didn't realize it doesn't add to subsequent photos. I'll fix that on some others then too.

Teeth on protibiae
"note the number of teeth on the protibiae"

Someone said this on Inat and re-suggested Neochodaeus frontalis rather than Odonteus liebecki. Any thoughts? There are three people on Inat who believe it is the former? I am no expert !

While Odonteus look superfici
While Odonteus look superficially similar to ochodaeids at a glance, this specimen is for sure an Odonteus specimen. One character easily confirms this as Odonteus: the sensory area at the apex of the antennal club, which is not present in North American ochodaeids. Additionally, this specimen has an ocular canthus dividing the eye, which helps ID Odonteus, which is also not present in Neochodaeus. Protibial teeth are not used at all in genus-level or species-level ID for Odonteus (I wish such characters were useful for Odonteus, they are easy to see). Although not in-focus for this image, geotrupids also have 11 antennal segments, which distinguishes them from other scarabaeoids in the US and Canada (ochodaeids have fewer antennomeres). Although not an official character, the surface punctation and structure of the head and pronotum, as well as the body proportions, are definitely Odonteus. Hopefully this helps to shed some light on the family and genus ID for this specimen!

Thanks I will reply quoting y
Thanks I will reply quoting your reply!

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