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Tree cricket in mid chirp - Oecanthus latipennis - male

Tree cricket in mid chirp - Oecanthus latipennis - Male
perry County, Pennsylvania, USA
November 8, 2008
This tree cricket had the most beautiful chrip... But as i captured it for further photographing, my camera battery died (it always picks the worst times to die) so I'll provide additional pics later.

Images of this individual: tag all
Tree cricket in mid chirp - Oecanthus latipennis - male Tree cricket in mid chirp - Oecanthus latipennis - male Tree cricket in mid chirp - Oecanthus latipennis - male

What a GORGEOUS shot
...and you really found it today??? Weather must be nicer over there in PA than it is here in Wisconsin ! Kudos on finding a singing male in the north late in the season. Great information to add to BugGuide. This appears to be a Broad-winged Tree Cricket; I'll make comments on the other photo.

I second that!
Your images are improving by leaps and bounds, VV! I remember finding this species in a "waste area" along an industrialized part of the Ohio River in Cincinnati very late in the season, too. I think they just mature later than other species, and/or live longer.

yeah actually, there were 3 of them chirping in my one bush outside. First time I ever recall hearing them before...

Glad my images could be of use to the guide!

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