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Onthophagus taurus - female

Onthophagus taurus - Female
Nashua, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, USA
July 10, 2005
Size: 10.5 mm
Collected in my just-built "supercharged" dung beetle trap, along with lots of O. orpheus, several histerids, some tiny black rove beetles and two Nicrophorus tormentosa in just 24 hours! Major males have great horns that swoop out and up like a water buffalo's. It's a species accidentally imported from Europe and the Middle East, and it's spread at least as far north as New Hampshire.

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Onthophagus taurus - female Onthophagus taurus - female Onthophagus taurus - female Onthophagus taurus - female Onthophagus taurus - female Onthophagus taurus - female Onthophagus taurus - female