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Wing venation - Eristalis

Wing venation - Eristalis
Wing venation of Eristalis. Shows, especially, "spurious vein" (s), marked with stippling. This is a characteristic of most Syrphidae. (See also Flower Flies of Kentucky.)
Other labeled veins and regions:
C=costal region, Sc = subcostal vein
h = humeral vein (a branch of Sc extending into humeral angle of the wing--ref = Borror Field Guide Insects)
R1, R2+3, R4+5 = radial veins (2+3 and 4+5 fused)
M1+2 M3 = medial veins (1+2 fused)
r-m = radial-medial (or "anterior") cross-vein
Cu1, Cu2 = cubital veins
A = anal vein
More details later, I hope.
(From Comstock, Insect Life, fig. 556.)

Original figure has cross-vein labelling error
The cross-vein label "m-cu" in the diagram is in error...that cross-vein should have been labelled "r-m", as it connects the radial and medial branches (it's also sometimes called the "anterior cross-vein").

The notation "m-cu" refers to a cross-vein joining the medial and cubital branches.

thanks, will fix in future
Thanks, Aaron, I will fix this in the near future--have to find the original scan and edit it.

Was able to fix it
Downloaded the image into Photoshop, then copied an "r" and an "m" from elsewhere in the figure...and pasted them over the "m-cu" in the previous version. VoilĂ ! :-)

h is for humeral?

Right, that makes perfect sense.

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